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Morning Sickness Cures

About 50 to 95% of all expectant mothers experience some form of morning sickness during pregnancy. This type of morning sickness is also known as NVP or nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. The symptoms of morning sickness are nausea, vomiting, tiredness and headache.

Morning sickness usually starts in the 4th-6th week, and ends in the 12th-14th week of pregnancy. Some women experience morning sickness throughout their pregnancy. The degree of symptoms varies in each individual. Contrary to what its name suggests, morning sickness does not always occur in the morning. It can happen throughout the day. Although there is no absolute cure for morning sickness, there are methods that can alleviate morning sickness symptoms.

1. Vitamin B6 has been proven to help with morning sickness.

2. Minimize stress.

3. Eat small, frequent meals every 2-3 hours. Large meals may cause heartburn or nausea.

4. Do not skip meals.

5. Avoid foods and odors that trigger nausea or vomiting.

6. Avoid greasy and spicy foods that can cause heartburn or nausea. They are slow to digest and therefore stay in the stomach longer.

7. Snack on high protein foods (nuts, beans, lean meat, eggs) to regulate your blood sugar and boost your energy levels.

8. Drink plenty of fluids (water, herbal teas, fruit juices) throughout the day but not with your meals.

9. Stay in well-ventilated areas to minimize food and cigarette odors.

10. Eat cold foods as they tend not to have strong odors.

11. Ginger is beneficial for treating all forms of nausea. It is available in capsule, candy, crystallized form and tea. To make ginger tea, add some grated ginger to hot water. Lemon juice and honey can also be added.

12. Do not go hungry as an empty stomach can make nausea worse.

13. Get enough sleep and rest. Tiredness and fatigue aggravate nausea.

14. Pregnant women who exercise regularly have a lower risk of morning sickness. Exercise is also effective in reducing stress.

15. Reduce caffeine intake.

16. Get out of bed slowly.

17. Eat dry crackers, toasts or cereal before you get out of bed in the morning. They help to absorb stomach acid and ease nausea.

18. Pregnancy cravings are healthy, so eat whatever you want.

19. Sipping peppermint tea helps to settle the stomach. Alternatively, you can chew a piece of peppermint gum or suck a mint candy.

Morning sickness is a normal part of pregnancy. By taking these simple measures, pregnant women can manage their morning sickness symptoms. Seek medical help if nausea and vomiting become severe and persistent. Your pregnancy may be affected if your body is dehydrated and lacking nutrients.

Article Source: http://www.ApprovedArticles.com

Despite there being no cure for morning sickness, making changes to your diet and environment can minimize its symptoms. More revealing facts and resources on morning sickness are available at www.curemorningsickness.com

Eating a Health Diet During Pregnancy

It's more important than ever for a woman to eat properly and take care of her body during pregnancy than at any other time in her life. Eating properly is necessary for the health of not only the mother, but the growth and health of the unborn baby. It's also important to exercise regularly so that the nine months of pregnancy are physically as easy as possible.

If you're pregnant there are many things that you can do to make sure that your pregnancy is as full of health as possible. One of the most important things that you can do is make sure that you get the vitamins and nutrition that you need in the amounts recommended for a pregnant woman.

Two very important elements are iron and folic acid. If your diet lacks a sufficient amount of iron you may want to consult with your doctor about taking a supplement. You should also make sure that your diet or supplement gives you enough calcium during your pregnancy. You can make sure that you're eating enough to include all the nutrients that you need in one day by eating well balanced breakfast each day.

One of the other frequent problems that happen during pregnancy is constipation. To alleviate this problem, make sure you eat foods that are high in fiber and also minimum of eight glasses of water each day. Exercising every day, even moderately, will also help in the prevention of constipation.

Pregnancy also requires you to avoid particular foods or take them in moderation due to their bad repercussions. For example alcohol is to be completely stopped. This is because it is bad for the development of the unborn baby. Other things in your diet could be fish as it is high in mercury. Soft cheeses is another, being high on taste and low in nutrition and calcium

All this good nutritive food can lead to excessive weight gain in most ladies, which they should refrain from. All pregnant ladies would do well to remember that they require only 300 more calories in their diet and therefore 1,900 to 2,500 calories is good enough each day. Excessive weight is always difficult to loose and also makes your pregnancy difficult.

The extra 300 calories that you consume each day should be calories that are packed full of vitamins and nutrition. Some good choices for additional calories are foods such as nonfat yogurt, wholegrain toast and peanut butter, fruit salads topped with yogurt, or low fat granola with skim milk.

By focusing on what you eat, and combining that with an exercise routine that stretches and tones your body, you'll be able to make sure that you have a healthy pregnancy from conception to delivery. Your doctor will be able to give you advice at your regular appointments that is specific to your pregnancy, since every woman is different.

Another aspect which sometimes is left ignored is the mental well being of the mother to be. Mental health of the mother is also reflected on the baby therefore it is important for her to remain in good spirits always. Nowadays there is also a host of guidance available for would be mothers in the form of books. You can make use of such books to find out what to do and what not to do.

Article Source: http://www.ApprovedArticles.com

Debra Evant is the webmaster for Pregnancy Reference, the best place on the internet for information about pregnancy, For questions or comments about this article why not visit: www.pregnancyref.com/articlesYou can get a unique content version of this article.

Child Head Louse Treatment: 5 Tips to Cure Your Child of Head Lice

Head lice, a rather common problem of school-aged children, are easy to prevent, but difficult to treat. Children between the ages of three and 12 are particularly susceptible to the pests due to the many group settings that they're a part of, such as daycares, summer camps, sports activities, and, of course, school.

Many children also tend to share personal items, including brushes, barrettes, hats, scarves, and clothing, easily allowing lice to spread quickly even though they cannot fly or jump, contrary to myth. Additionally, lice are not a sign of dirtiness as they actually prefer cleaner hair, which is easier for them to grip onto, and they also do not spread disease. However, they can still be annoying and hard to get rid of, and their bites cause itching, which usually leads to redness and inflammation from constant scratching.

Here are five helpful and simple child head-louse treatment tips to cure your little ones of the troublesome but harmless parasites:

1. The key to successfully eradicating a lice infestation is a three-step process that must include killing live lice, removing every single nit (eggs), and also treating the environment around the infested person, including their personal belongings.

2. Olive oil, butter, mayonnaise, and petroleum jelly are all excellent for smothering or suffocating head lice, which are technically referred to as pediculosis, although nits will still need to be manually removed. Olive oil is the easiest of the four to remove from the hair but will still require several washings.

3. Wet your child's hair before combing through it as the water immobilizes the lice, allowing for easier removal. Many people also swear by using a flea comb rather than one intended to remove lice, although you should never use any type of flea or tick product on anyone other than the actual comb. Lice combs should have metal teeth that are no wider than three-tenths of a millimeter apart.

4. An effective child head-louse treatment doesn't just involve treating the child, but also the whole house as well as any other family members who may also have them. This means washing all bedding, towels, clothing, or anything else that may be hiding nits in very hot water, over 130 degrees Fahrenheit or 55 degrees Celsius, and then dried on the hottest setting.Items that can't be washed and dried should be dry cleaned or completely sealed in an airtight bag for at least two weeks. This should include items such as plush toys, stuffed animals, and decorative pillows. All carpeting, throw rugs and upholstered furniture must also be thoroughly vacuumed. Do keep in mind that lice aren't able to survive for more than a few days after falling from their host.

5. A pediculicide, medicated shampoos, creams, or lotions, may be prescribed by your child's doctor. Lice removal kits can be purchased over-the-counter if other home treatment methods are unsuccessful or if the infestation is severe. On the other hand, some lice may be resistant to some types of commercial chemicals and require a more non-conventional method of removal. Never use a hair dryer after using any products containing chemicals, as some may be extremely flammable.

Consult with your doctor for ways to treat children under the age of two, who should not come in contact with most commercial products, as the chemical solutions are way too harsh for their young, sensitive scalps. Likewise, you should never shave your child's head in an attempt to get rid of lice, although cutting the hair very short may help to keep the pests at bay.

Article Source: http://www.ApprovedArticles.com

http://www.LouseTreatment.net is the number one resource for helping children and adults get rid of head lice for good. This informative site provides readers with medical, home remedy, and over-the-counter louse treatments that eliminate louse, lice, nymphs and nits for good. You'll also discover various lice and louse removal products as well. Please visit http://www.LouseTreatment.net today to eliminate your lice for good!

What To Do If Your Child Has A Food Allergy

Allergies can be downright annoying. They can be even worse for those who discover they have food allergies. Often, parents can not tell when their child has developed an allergy to food or food by products until the child has come in contact with the food. By this time, unfortunately, it is already too late because the child has suffered through a bad allergic reaction.

Food allergies, as opposed to food sensitivities, occur in the immune system. A true allergy to a food usually results in a violent bodily reaction caused by the immune system attacking the offending protein as it gets into the body and the bloodstream. This reaction can at times lead even to the death of the person afflicted with this condition.

The antibody, IgE is found in the immune system. This antibody goes right to action by bonding with the protein of the food that an individual is allergic to. When these IgE proteins build up, the body releases chemicals that cause a variety of reactions. These include: itching, fever, swelling, trouble breathing, vomiting and may even cause certain body system functions to shut down.

Food allergies are usually detected before a child reaches three years old. While this is normally the case, many children develop allergies to food later when they are exposed to a wider variety of foods.

The most commonly encountered food allergens include wheat, milk, nuts, soy, and eggs. In fact, these foods constitute over ninety percent of the allergies that children react to.

There is a big difference between food sensitivities and actually being allergic to specific foods. Food sensitivities can cause allergy-like reactions but often times these do not appear until long after the food is consumed. Usually, there is at least a two-hour time lapse before certain reactions develop.

People who suffer from real food allergies feel the effects almost instantly. Each time the food is consumed, the reactions will immediately take over the body. While some allergies can be averted if a child avoids the foods while they are young, many children will have to battle their food allergies throughout their whole life.

If you think that your child might have an allergy to food, it would be best to have your child screened with an allergy skin test. With this test, there will be no more doubts in your mind about the safety of your child. If a skin allergy is detected, be certain to inform all family, relatives, friends and providers of health care about it. You must also teach your child the importance of asking about the food they are being served. Knowing what foods are causing allergies can help you avoid those foods altogether.

It is nearly impossible to protect your child from allergens every moment of every day. Most food labels on packaged food contains warnings of potential food allergens. Many children do not know how to real labels properly though, so there is always a chance that a child will eat something containing traces of allergens such as snacks with peanuts in them.

Because of the danger of life threatening complications, always have an Epi-pen handy. An Epi-pen is a large shot of epinephrine, which will stabilize the allergic reaction until medical help can arrive. After administering the epinephrine, call 911 to get immediate professional help for your child.

Article Source: http://www.ApprovedArticles.com

Author Frank J.Senturi has been researching and reporting on health conditions for many years. You can get more tips and advice on allergic reactions as well as on many other related subjects at his web site.

Nutrients For Your Pregnancy!

You'll need to avoid eating or drinking certain things during pregnancy, such as: certain types of fish, such as swordfish, canned tuna, and other fish that may be high in mercury (your doctor can help you decide which fish you can eat)foods that contain raw eggs, such as mousse or Caesar salad raw or undercooked meat and fish processed meats, such as hot dogs and deli meats , unpasteurized cheeses, such as feta, brie, blue, and goat cheese unpasteurized milk, juice, or cider.When a woman is healthy, balancing carbohydrates, fat, and proteins, and eating a variety of fruits and vegetables usually ensure good nutrition.Women with fears of weight gain or with eating disorders may choose to work with a health professional, to ensure that pregnancy does not trigger an eating disorder.

March of Dimes recommends women consider a supplement of 400 micrograms of folic acid preconceptually to prevent the incidence of neural tube defects. If increased weight gain is recommended, an emphasis should be placed on high-calorie food group items that contain a higher fat and sugar content. Your diet has to include iron as a supplement, because it's recommended requirement cannot be met during pregnancy. Thirty milligrams of ferrous iron is recommended, and iron should be taken on an empty stomach. Calcium supplements, if recommended, should be taken with meals. When the development of major organs begins during early pregnancy, often before a woman starts prenatal care or realizes that she is pregnant, preconception care is recommended for every woman of reproductive age.

The most natural and pleasurable part of having a baby is the conception, but also stressful. As your body adjusts to the growing baby, you may have nausea, fatigue, backaches, mood swings, and stress. A stress free pregnancy is one of the greatest gifts that you can give your new baby and.more rest is needed as the woman copes with the added stress of extra weight. During pregnancy, the aches and stress can be reduced with a simple massage. Relaxation techniques can be used to cope with such conditions as stress or morning sickness. Finally, mood swings and stress are common symptoms reported by many women in the early stages of pregnancy. The following herbs are recommended for pregnant women: An all-purpose remedy is red raspberry leaf tea.

There are seven main classes of nutrients that the body needs: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber and water. Most people think of nutrition as optional if they are taking prenatal vitamins, but the fact remains that prenatal vitamins are a supplement, think of them as your lifeguard. A necessary staple for pregnancy are prenatal vitamins. Your doctor will want you to start taking prenatal vitamins that contain folic acid, calcium, and iron as soon as possible. These vitamins and minerals help ensure the baby's and mother's health as well as prevent some types of birth defects. A change in prenatal vitamins can alleviate nausea in some cases. A good night's rest,eat well,moderate exercise and your prenatal vitamins are a must. However your odd food cravings may not be as strong if you are taking your prenatal vitamins and fish oil capsules. The importance of pre-natal vitamins and fish oil capsules, your doctor will tell you; that if you are trying to conceive, or you believe you may be experiencing early pregnancy symptoms, you should be taking daily pre-natal vitamins. The mother's diet must contain sufficient nutrients for the formation of a healthy baby and to make hemoglobin. Supplementary iron and vitamins C and D are often recommended, but iron tablets can cause constipation and other distressing effects in some people. Heating techniques may also reduce food's content of many heat-labile nutrients such as certain vitamins and phytochemicals, and possibly other yet to be discovered substances. Nonetheless, processed foods tend to have an inferior nutritional profile than do whole, fresh foods, regarding content of sugar and high GI starches, potassium/sodium, vitamins, fiber, and of intact, unutilized (essential) fatty acids. According to the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO: 1996), more than starvation the real challenge in developing nations today is malnutrition-the deficiency of micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids) that no longer allows the body to ensure growth and maintain its vital functions.

We are now in the 21st century, have the luxury of liquid vitamins and an absorption rate of 98%. The benefits of this mean a healthier you, whether you are pregnant or not. There are so many online sources to consult with in the comfort of your home; there should be no problem in finding all the information you need. Take care of your mind & body!

Article Source: http://www.ApprovedArticles.com

The necessity of nutrition for your pregnancy and health is essential and Chuck Arnone has given you some of the basics.

Care of the baby's umbilical cord stump

Most new mothers are afraid to handle the baby's cord stump but it is important to keep the base of the stump clean and dry to prevent infection. Most hospitals still recommend the use of alcohol swabs for cleaning. The use of antiseptic powder is not recommended now as it may prevent the stump from falling off.

Do remember: it is the base not the stump that must be kept clean!

1. Gently hold the tip of the stump and wipe around the base with the alcohol swab.
2. Let it air for a few minutes before putting on the diaper. Keep the diaper folded below the cord to prevent urine from soaking it.
3. Never pull off the stump even if it looks like it is hanging by a thread. Just snip the thread with a pair of scissors.
4. When the stump falls off, there may be slight bleeding which is normal.
5. Most western practices recommends sponge bathing only until the stump falls off. Actually it is alright to bath baby in the tub provided you dry the base and stump properly with a tissue and then clean it with the alcohol swab.
6. If you have a baby boy point his penis downwards when putting on the diaper, so that he does not pee onto the stump.
7. If you notice pus around the base, a foul smell, red skin around the base or baby cries when you touch the cord, please take baby to the doctor as these are signs of infection.

Sometimes after the stump falls off, bits of lumpy flesh remain. This is called "umbilical granuloma" which will often disappear by itself. Occasionally, it may require treatment by the baby's doctor.

Some communities recommend applying ridiculous things on the stump, such as incense ashes, oil, cow dung etc. It is dangerous to do this as it can only lead to infection, the most serious being tetanus.

You may be advised to put an abdominal binder on the umbilicus to prevent wind getting into the stomach. There is no connection between the umbilicus and the stomach therefore this cannot happen. The abdominal binder keeps the tummy warm so the baby is comfortable and does not cry so much.

What to do with the stump?

Most people will tell you "throw it away". Some of us, for sentimental reasons may want to keep it in a little clear plastic bag and put it in the baby's album, together with the first lock of hair, tooth and so on.

In some parts of Malaysia, it is the custom among the Malays to keep the umbilical cord of all the children and when the parents do not want to have any more children, the cord stumps are boiled and the water given to the children to drink to foster closer sibling relationship.

Umbilical hernia

If the area round your baby's umbilicus bulges out when he cries, he may have an umbilical hernia. This is a small hole in the abdominal muscle which allows tissue to bulge out when there is pressure inside the abdomen. It is not a serious condition and the majority will heal by twelve to eighteen months.

It can be very frightening for the parents when they look at the bulge especially if it is quite big (in their eyes) whereas the doctor says that it is small. There is no need to do anything, just leave it alone and it will heal by itself. Some parents may feel reassured by putting an abdominal binder on it so that they do not see the bulge when baby cries.

It is ridiculous to put a coin on it as some old wives proclaim because the coin may slip to the back and cause pressure on the skin where baby lies on it. There you have it. It is very easy if you know how.

Article Source: http://www.ApprovedArticles.com

Looking after a newborn baby's umbilical cord stump can be daunting for most new parents because of fear in causing pain to the baby. The simple technique should help eliminate this fear. For more information on baby care go to www.Babiesconsult.com